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My awful hip treatment!

Hello everyone! So what's been happening in your world? Here's what's happening in mine: I’ve been pretty much disabled since last Thursday. I went for a ’consultation’ about my hip to Pinner. When I got there, the doctor nearly choked on his coffee- he expected an older lady to walk in, judging by ...
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  7305 Hits
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Ahoj, kloubouk dolu, zadna sranda, doufam, ze to bude vsechno v poradku a brzo budes zase tancovat! Drzim place Julie... Číst více
8. 11. 2011 17:24
Dakujem Julka mozes ma najst na blogu 'single mum will dance' ak mas zaujem ... Číst více
8. 11. 2011 17:32
7305 Hits

Is too much cleaning good for your health?

Well, today is Wednesday and a truly cold day- a first sign that winter is on its way. Danny stayed at home both yesterday and today- he has a cold. Over the years, he has never been seriously ill, thank god. No raging temperatures like I used to have as a child. I can still recall my mother and gra...
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  5152 Hits
5152 Hits

Long or Short hair after we turn 30?

Good morning world! It’s Monday today and a new week is starting. Yesterday we had a very interesting conversation at work in Camden with my colleagues. What length should your hair be after reaching 30? This question crossed my mind when I was with Monika in Brent Cross last week for coffee. S...
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  6619 Hits
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Ahoj Ivanka hmm mozno tomu velmi nerozumiem ale ja si myslim ze to zavisi od tvaru hlav a nie od veku ale kratke a strapate su sup... Číst více
9. 10. 2011 7:40
Host — Kat
Doceala fajny zamysleni :-)Ja to ostrihla na kratky mikadko chvili pred 30 a den D jsem proplula s uzasnym pocitem,ze na 30 nevypa... Číst více
9. 10. 2011 10:39
Dakujem za komentare- som rada, ze aj muzi to citaju myslela som ze len kocky sem zabludia! Moj cely blog je 'Single mum will dan... Číst více
10. 10. 2011 6:46
6619 Hits