By Blabla on neděle 21. únor 2016
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Zdravím, mám dotaz. Podobé témata se tady už řešilli, jedu autem do UK na 5 měsíců a nevím jestli můžu. Jde o to, že auto je registrované na rodinnou firmu, není na moje jméno a já nevím jak to bere polici v UK. Vím, že pokud bych měl svoje auto a pracoval tam, tak si ho tam musím pojistit hned jak začnu pracovat, ale pokud je auto psané na stavební firmu v ČR ???? Nemáte někdo podobnou zkušenost??
Myslim si ze 5mes nebude problem viz You can usually use a vehicle with non-UK number plates without needing to tax or register it in the UK if all of the following apply: [ul] [li]you’re visiting and don’t plan to live here[/li] [li]you normally live outside the EU[/li] [li]you only use the vehicle up to 6 months in a 12-month period (one single visit, or several shorter visits adding up to a 6-month period)[/li] [li]tthe vehicle is registered and taxed in its home country[/li] [/ul] [b]You must tax and register your vehicle in the UK if you become a resident or your stay is longer than 6 months.[/b] You may be able to use a vehicle with non-UK number plates for longer than a 6-month period, without taxing or registering it, if all the following apply: [ul] [li]you’re a student or worker[/li] [li]you normally live outside the EU[/li] [li]you’re in the UK for a set study or work period[/li] [li]the vehicle is registered in its home country[/li] [/ul]
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