čtvrtek 9. září 2010
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Co rikate na spending cuts ve statnim rozpoctu a kde by jste 'cutly' vy? UPRAVENO:10/9/10 9:20am
asi 13 roky tomu
naprosto souhlasim s osmerou, na jidle se da usetrit nejvic a pritom se porad najist kvalitne, nakupovat v sale misto full price, jit za zabavou, ktera je zadarmo nebo za levno, vyuzit 2for1 akci atd atd. A ve statnim rozpoctu? Rozhodne benefits, to je cerna dira.
asi 13 roky tomu
Já už se budu asi opakovat, ale zreudkoval bych council tax, připadá mi zbytečné krmit hladové krky, které vždycky mají jenom následníky sobě rovné. Taky jsem někde vyštrachal toto, je to docela zajímavé: [b][i]How To Avoid Paying Tax The average UK citizen works from New Year's Day to May 24th solely to pay their taxes. Effectively, for a third of a year, everyone in this country is a civil servant. Income tax, national insurance, VAT, corporation tax, capital gains tax ... the list is endless. And that's not just in one year, that's every year. This happens all the way through your life. And after tax has been deducted, the little that remains is taxed again! If you spend it you're taxed. If you save it you're taxed. Look How Little Of £100 You Get To Keep Of £100 earned, 10% is paid in National Insurance contributions (nothing but a euphemism for an additional tax on income). And 23% is paid in Income Tax (40% for higher rate taxpayers). Of the remaining £67 of take-home pay let's say that over a week you spend it thus: - £15 for a meal out - £8 on cinema tickets - £16 in petrol - £3 put by for electricity - £7 on some cigarettes - £9 on a few drinks down the pub - £4 paid out in insurance premiums - £3 put aside for Council Tax - £2 put by for Road Tax Sound reasonable? Obviously 100% of the last two items are wholly tax. Five per cent of your electric goes to the taxman and 4% of any money you pay to protect yourself with insurance. Of the £23 you spend at the flicks and eating out, 17.5% goes to the government in VAT. While you're enjoying yourself, so is the Treasury; they take £4.03 from you for the evening. Thirty five per cent of a well-deserved drink goes direct to our masters, and a recent AA campaign serves to remind us that a staggering 85% of the money spent on petrol is snatched by the taxman. Eighty five per cent! But even that is not the worst. The state loves a smoker, of course, and from the money spent on cigarettes an astonishing 88.9% enters its coffers. It all brings tears to the eyes. Altogether, a full £32.31 of that week's expenses goes straight to the taxman. Of the £100 earned, £65.31 will have been paid to the government in tax. At the end of the day, all you will have to show for it is £34.69 in goods and services. A higher-rate taxpayer will retain a miserly £21.69. Oh, and we haven't even taken into consideration the host of taxes on business, employers' national insurance contributions, airport taxes, capital gains tax, betting tax ... And then there's stamp duty, where you hand over thousands just because you decide to move house![/i][/b]
asi 13 roky tomu
nejak moc nerozumim na co se ptas ? Jestli na skrtani ktere provadi britska vlada, nebo na skrty ktere dela slovenska vlada, a nebo na cem usetrit v domacim rozpoctu. Vzdycky se nejlepe skrta v tom co clovek proji, staci misto par veceri v restauraci zaradit vareni doma z normalnich surovin a hned se za mesic celkem dost usetri.
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