By Katarina Viglaska on neděle 19. únor 2006
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Look out for [color=#FF0000]Fusion Magazine [/color]– an exciting new magazine for [color=#FF0000]Central & Eastern Europeans[/color] living, working & enjoying life in the UK. Coming out on [color=#FF0000]28 February[/color], every Tuesday the magazine will offer lifestyle features, all the news & sport from back home & the UK, interesting interviews & hot competitions (win a flight a day to Eastern Europe with Ryan Air, a trip to Paris with Eurolines & a VIP night out at one of London top bars). Fusion is aimed at [color=#FF0000]Poles, Lithuanians, Slovakians, Latvians, Czechs, Hungarians, Estonians & Slovenians [/color]who have come to Britain & want to get the most from life.
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