By Lucia Buknova on pátek 12. srpen 2011
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Ahojte, pocul uz niekto o tom,ze od oktobra 2011 maju ludia pracujuci cez agenturu dostavat rovnaku mzdu ako ludia pracujuci na full time?Nechcem tu sirit poplasnu spravu,alebo bolo by to super,nie? :))) Moja kolegyna z prace-anglicanka,tiez pracuje cez agenturu ako ja mi to vcera potvrdila,ze je to uz schvalene a od oktobra je to v platnosti.Hladala som nejake info na nete ale nic som nenasla,tak sa pytam tu, Prajem pekny den
to je nejaka fama, totiz povinost aby minimalni mzda byla alespon minimalni at uz je clovek zamestnany jakkoliv je jasna a plati jiz davno. A pak muzes dat zamestnanci jakoukoliv mzdu podle toho kdyz se s nim na ni dohodnes. Agentury samozrejme musi z neceho zit takze od skutecneho zamestnavatele dostavaji o neco vic nez pak uvidis na vyplatni pasce ty. Ze by nejakym narizenim srovnali castku co vidi lidi na vyplatni pasce kdyz pracuji na stejne pozici, ale jeden je od agentury a jeden na primo zamestnan, to je velmi nepravdepodobne, protoze tim padem by odrovnali tisice agentur a to si nikdo nemuze dovolit. Muj nazor je ze to pravda asi nebude.
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neni to pravda, mzdy zustanou tak jak jsou. co je ovsem nove, je zakon, ktery plati od srpna a rika, ze pokud pracujes pro agency na on going job more as 12 weeks you have to get contract as full time worker - coz je zasadni zmena, nebot tim padem budes mit v kontraktu jasne dane hodiny, ktere ti musi zaplatit bez ohledu na to, zda pro tebe meli, ci nemeli praci.
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je to pravda, nie je to fáma, zákon platí od oktobra (říjen 2011), ale až ked človek odpracuje 12 týždnov (v tomto prípade neplatí retrospektíva) takže tešiť sa treba od prvého prvý,teda od nového roku.Už len stručne,(rovnako zaplatene) rovnaká mzda, príplatky, nadčas, víkend a pod. pracovníci agentúr nemaju narok na platbu v nemoci ani nárok na odmeny (13-výplata,prípadne rôzne prémie) viac info na - teda o čom je zákon. Minimalna mzda ide taktiež hore od 01.10.2011 na 6,08 GBP. P.S.:
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sorry tornado, spatne jsem to napsal: neni pravda, ze budeme mit stejny penize jako lidi, co maj kontrakt primo od zamestnavatele - to rozpeti mzdy mezi agency worker a treba factory full-time worker (nas pripad) zustane zachovany (jinak by agency ztratila smysl svoji prace, logicky...). v tom ostatnim se shodujeme...
asi 12 roky tomu
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Prečítaj si zákon, inak odhaduje sa , že do jedneho roka skončí asi polovica agentúr v UK (to mam z tlače) na ti dokonca píše, že firmy mali na to jeden rok prípravu, nechápem , že o tom nevieš. / Ak maš na svojom PC Windows v materinskom jazyku , pravdepodobne čeština, ale do vyhladavača zadaj napríklad agency workers from 1 october - ak ti niečo nájde tak na konci riadku budeš mať - preložiť tuto stránku - jasne nie je to idealny preklad, ale na základne informácie úplne postačí. P.S. : Vieš, radšej to dopodrobna vysvetlím, aby som tu nebol za človeka, ktorý LOGICKY zavádza.
asi 12 roky tomu
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[quote]Prečítaj si zákon, inak odhaduje sa , že do jedneho roka skončí asi polovica agentúr v UK (to mam z tlače) na ti dokonca píše, že firmy mali na to jeden rok prípravu, nechápem , že o tom nevieš. / Ak maš na svojom PC Windows v materinskom jazyku , pravdepodobne čeština, ale do vyhladavača zadaj napríklad agency workers from 1 october - ak ti niečo nájde tak na konci riadku budeš mať - preložiť tuto stránku - jasne nie je to idealny preklad, ale na základne informácie úplne postačí. P.S. : Vieš, radšej to dopodrobna vysvetlím, aby som tu nebol za človeka, ktorý LOGICKY zavádza.[/quote] 1) svuj LINUX MINT mam POCHOPITELNE v jazyce anglickem. 2) proc bych o tom mel vedet?? jsem ja snad nejaka personnel agency?? 3) na ten odkaz jsem se dival. a priznam se, jsem linej to hledat. chtelo by to presnej odkaz... 4) proc bych jako mel pouzivat prekladac? ono je to ve slovenstine??? 5) za debila te mam uz ted - reagoval jsem na tvuj prispevek v klidu a pohode bez arogance a S OMLUVOU, ZE JSEM TO SPATNE NAPSAL. nic mene vidim, ze si tu aroganci zaslouzis, tudiz ti ji poskytnu zdarma a merou vrchovatou. nez priste zacnes poucovat, bud tak laskav a pouzij to, co ti sedi na krku.
asi 12 roky tomu
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chces me tu poucovat a jeste abych to hledal za tebe. to je fakt drsny. [url=]The Agency Workers (Amendment) Regulations 2011[/url]
asi 12 roky tomu
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Ja sa ti ospravedlnujem, je mi strašne luto, že si to takto pochopil, možno, si na tuto debatu kliknu traja ludia, možno ešte menej, ale ide mi o to, aby si našiel informacie každy sám. Často sa stáva, že ta ista téma, je tu skoro každy druhý den. No a nakoniec, je mi strašne luto, že najlepšie vieš znižovať hodnotu človeka, pretože skôr , ako si niečo overíš - napíšeš. Nakoniec, nech to posúdi niekto iný, možno ten , kto si to prečíta (tečka)
asi 12 roky tomu
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presne tak, jak dis, drahy kolego. takze tady je to, co jsem nasel ja: [i]Tags: HR issues, Infozone, Legislation Employment law changes in 2010 nicola mcmahon Thursday 07 January 2010 14:14 Several new parliamentary bills, or amendments to existing acts, are due to come into force in 2010, A number of legislative changes are due this year that will affect employers and their staff. Also expected are a number of draft regulations concerning changes to the law that are due to be introduced in 2011. Nicola McMahon explains. THE PROBLEM With seasonal celebrations now behind us, it is a good time to consider forthcoming changes to employment law in 2010. THE LAW There are various legislative provisions which are passing through Parliament at present, and others currently at the consultation stage, with which employers should familiarise themselves. CHECK LIST The following should act as a useful reminder of the planned and anticipated legislative changes during 2010. 6 April 2010 The Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 comes into force. This provides employees with a right to request unpaid time off work to undertake study or training. Initially, this right will apply only to employees with at least six months' service who can demonstrate that the training will improve the effectiveness of their work and the performance of their employer's business, and only employers with at least 250 employees will be obliged to consider such requests. Spring 2010 The Social Security (Medical Evidence) and Statutory Sick Pay (Medical Evidence) Amendment Regulations 2010 are expected to introduce "fit notes", which will be issued by GPs and provide employers with greater information about what their "sick" employees can and can't do, and advise on ways to get them back to work sooner, rather than simply declaring that they are unable to work. The Government's proposed regulations to outlaw the blacklisting of workers for trade union membership or activity are expected to come into force. October 2010 Most of the provisions of the Equality Bill are expected to come into force as the Equality Act 2010. The purposes of this legislation are to harmonise the different strands of discrimination law and strengthen protection. Changes in the draft bill include: Extending the prohibition on "associative and perceptive" discrimination and harassment to all discrimination strands. Employers will be explicitly liable for failing to prevent harassment by third parties. Expanding the concept of positive action to allow employers to recruit or promote someone from an under-represented group where they have a choice between two or more "equally suitable" candidates. Introducing the concept of a discrimination claim based on two combined characteristics where there may not be enough evidence to prove discrimination based on one characteristic alone. Under the current proposals, there will be the potential for employees to claim direct sex discrimination in respect of pay and conditions based on a hypothetical comparator where there is no "equal" male-female. The majority of claims, therefore, should still be brought under the traditional equal pay concepts, rather than sex discrimination, but this new avenue will enable an individual to claim even where there is no actual comparator. An extension of age discrimination legislation to cover the provision of goods and services. Introducing an "occupational requirement" defence across all protected characteristics and removing the job-specific "genuine occupational qualifications" in sex, gender reassignment and race cases. Tribunals will be able to make recommendations that respondents who have lost discrimination claims take steps to remedy matters, not just for the benefit of the individual claimant, but also for the benefit of the wider workforce. Where the wider workforce is concerned, however, there is no remedy for failure to comply with the recommendation. April 2011 While not strictly a change taking place in 2010, it is expected that new paternity leave regulations will come into force that would allow mothers to transfer up to 26 weeks' maternity leave to the child's father (or co-adopter) with provision for additional statutory paternity pay at the same rate as maternity pay. Employers should keep an eye out for the draft provisions, which should be published in 2010, and consider implementing necessary amendments to their maternity, paternity and adoption leave policies to ensure compliance with the new regulations when they come into force. October 2011 Again looking further ahead, during 2010 employers can expect to see draft regulations concerning implementation of the EU Agency Workers Directive, which are expected to come into force in 2011. The EU directive requires that temporary agency workers be given equal treatment with permanent workers for basic working conditions such as hours, pay and holidays. There is a permitted derogation, which the UK government is expected to make use of, which provides that equal treatment applies only after an agency worker has been in the same job for 12 weeks.[/i] kde se tam pise o tom, ze agenturaci musi brat ze zakona stejnou mzdu, jako zamestnanci firmy, nevim - nikde to tu nevidim. za to je tam jasne popsano to, o cem jsem psal o par prispevku vyse. pokud mas presnejsi info, sem s nim v citaci! protoze me se to tyka taky a chci byt v obraze. pokud jsi si jen honil triko a nove a podrobnejsi info nemas, neprud, nejsem na to zvedavej.
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Zajimavá diskuse, jak vidno je lepší si vše POŘÁDNĚ nejdříve přečíst, a pokud nemám dokonalou angličtinu-poprosit někoho aby mi to vysvětlil, než tu plácnout nějaké své doměnky. Proto 1:0 pro Volvenstein
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No takze v praxi to znamena ze te vezmou pres agenturu a po jedenacti tydnech te vyhodi a vezmou nekoho jineho...
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Souhlasím s pumpou, budou to dělat stejně jako to dělával Ryanair se svýma (nekonečně obludnýma) letuškama. A není to jedno vlastně? I Irsku to nějak harmonizujou tu minimální mzdu taky, ale je to pouze populismus, plebejský vlk se nažere (blábolů z novin, fajn dieta) a kapitalistické kozy zůstanou celé (pěkně divoce a neklidně rozhoupané děním na světových burzách). :whistle:
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