pondelok, 16. február 2009
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[b]RARE GROOVE @ THE WHITE HOUSE THURSDAY 12TH MARCH 19:00 - 03:00[/b] [img]http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j284/Zoelee77/RareGroove.jpg[/img] For all you Sweet soul, [b]Dirty Jazz/Funk[/b] and [b]Rare Groove Lovers[/b] out there, we start early and finish late with our very own Masters of Rare Groove and Dirty Funk [b]KRIS BONES[/b] and[b] ROB DAVY[/b] in the huge main room with [b]MOUJ & LIVELY[/b]playing [b]Deep House[/b] and [b]Classics[/b] upstairs on the WHITEHOUSE'S monstrous new sound system to take you back, way back in the day when things were simple, the vibe was euphoric and the music is so fine it made you want to dance all night. . .right through to the late night slow jams. . .and the vibe at [i]Dingwall's, Wag, Opera House, Mud Club, Rage[/i] is coming right back around. Bring your Old Skool Vibe and leave the blues at the door! Jasper the Vinyl Junkie, Boilerhouse, Soul II Soul at Africa Center, Larry Levan and Frankie Knuckles we salute you in the spirit of a time when the music was so good you couldn't get enough. . . [i]Entrance £5 on the door, guest list £3. madame.miss_bee (@) yahoo.co.uk Call for guestlist as numbers are limited. 07767838464[/i] [b]FACEBOOK EVENT:[/b] http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=47360857843 [b]THE WHITE HOUSE:[/b] http://www.thewhitehouselondon.co.uk [b]ADDRESS:[/b] 65 Clapham Park Road London SW4 [b][i]London's only pure Rare Groove Jam.[/i][/b]
15 years ago
Like these tunes? ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_mwuxo2R3I http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKrepMR6GMg ...The you will love this event!!!
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