pátek 30. červenec 2010
  2 Replies
  858 Visits
Cruise Ship Assistant Cabin Steward/Stewardess: Daily cleaning of passenger cabins - no experience required, although some experience would be an advantage. Basic English Language skills required. Salary (Approx: £1600 - £1750 per month) depending on gratuities. In order to join our team and begin your new career with us, you must be: 21 years of age or older. Conversant in English. Willing to commit to at least a 6-month contract. Able to work a 7-day, 70-hour week with limited time-off during your contract. Free meals 1.Air travel en-route and homeward bound 2.Free laundry 3.Free medical insurance (which is required by maritime law) 4.Discounts at cruise ship stores and land based stores, bars and restaurants 5.Reduced price cruise vacations for family and friends cv in english please Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript. [img]http://www.pohyby.co.uk/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/Bigfruit.jpg[/img]
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