pondelok, 23. marec 2020
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Covid19 a self employed v hospitality
Café jsem zavrel co dál jaké naroky na penize teď máme?
4 years ago
Nejste zamestnan a po ukonceni self enjoyed nemate narok na zadnou pomoc. Musite se prihlasit na pracovni urad jako nezamestnany a tam vam reknou na co mate narok. Nespise dostanete nejakou podporu.
4 years ago
Dnes 26/03/2020 bude tlacova konferencia ohladne self-employed, takze pockat aku pomoc idu ponuknut self-employed.

4 years ago
Tak toto mi poslal můj bývalý účetní. Třeba Vám to někomu pomůže:

If you are employed

If your employer intends to access the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, they will discuss with you becoming classified as a furloughed worker. This would mean that you are kept on your employer’s payroll, rather than being laid off.
You cannot do any work for them whilst you are furloughed.
Your employer will then be able to claim a grant of 80% of your usual wage and pass this onto you (up to a maximum of £2,500 per month).
In some circumstances your employer may be able to fund the difference so you may still receive your usual pay in full.

If you are a director of your own company

You can reclaim 80% of your official salary, but any income that is classed as dividends is not included in the Government’s calculations.
We will contact and work with you individually to find the best solution to this.

If you are self employed

For the next three months, you will receive 80% of your average monthly profits between April 2016 and April 2019, as declared on your self assessment returns.
If you started after April 2016, then it will be your average between when you started and April 2019
This scheme is only applicable for people with profits of less that £50,000 per year
More than half your total annual income must come from self employment (i.e. if you have a full time employment and your self employment is only a side project, you won’t be eligible)
If you started self employment after 5th April 2019, then you cannot use this scheme
If you are eligible the government will send you a confirmation letter in due course
You will be able to continue trading and still claim the grant during this period

The Government have stated that these funds will be paid at the start of June
The grant for all three months will be paid directly into you bank in one instalment and will be classed as taxable income
We will contact you individually to confirm the figure you should be entitled to
You cannot apply for this grant yet, but when it becomes live rest assured we will assist you every step of the way

Self Employed workers can also now claim Universal Credit, on top of the above scheme.
The first payment usually takes around 5 weeks to arrive, however the Government have confirmed that when you apply you can request an immediate advance if you need funds sooner

If you are an Employer

As above, once your workers have been furloughed, the Government will reimburse you 80% of the salaries from the date they stopped (up to a cap of £2,500 per month per employee).
It is up to you if you simply pass this along to your employee so they would receive 80% of their usual salary, or top it up to the normal salary amount but there is no obligation for you to do so.
The reimbursement scheme is not up and running yet and may not be for at least another 2-3 weeks, but as soon as it is, we will help claim the funds for you.

Needing Funds now

The various schemes listed above are still being created, which doesn’t help you if you’re having cash flow issues now.
There is the “Coronavirus Business Interruption” Loan scheme
They will guarantee 80% of each loan, which means the banks are more likely to give credit, where perhaps they wouldn’t have previously.
Interest and fees to be paid by the government for 12 months.
It is still classed as a loan, so it will all still need to be paid back eventually.
You will need to apply direct with an approved lender.

Additional items to consider

Contact you mortgage lender to request a payment holiday of up to 3 months, if you rent then contact your landlord and enquire about a payment holiday
If you have loans or leases, a lot of these are allowing people to have some form of payment holiday.

If you are not eligible for any of the other help provided or there will be a delay to receiving your support then you could look at claiming one of the following items.

Universal Tax Credits - If you have a look at this link it should give you some guidance of what might be available. https://www.gov.uk/universal-credit/what-youll-get

New Style Employment and Support Allowance - https://www.gov.uk/guidance/new-style-employment-and-support-allowance

Another useful link to consider is https://www.entitledto.co.uk/help/Coronavirus_help which give more guidance on what benefits may be claimable

Recap of other measures we told you about on Monday

If you are VAT registered

HMRC have announced that you will not need to make any VAT payments to them that would normally have been due between 20th March and 30th June.
As far as we are aware the VAT returns themselves will still need to submitted even though payment could be deferred.
These amounts will have to be paid to HMRC eventually, but you have until the end of the 2020/21 tax year to bring it up to date.

If you pay Self Assessment payments on account

The 31st July 2020 payment on account will now be deferred until 31st January 2021.

Existing outstanding tax arrears

HMRC have set up a special “Time to Pay” helpline, specifically for this crisis.
By calling them, they will attempt to help you as best they can with your arrears, e.g. agreeing a payment plan.
The dedicated helpline is 0800 0159 559.

Business rates for Retail, hospitality, leisure & nursey sector

If your business is in the retail, hospitality, leisure, nursery sectors, then you will have to pay NO business rates for 2020/21 at all.
You do not need to do anything. If you’ve already received your bill for 2020/21, this will be reissued by the council automatically to show nothing due.
If you are not sure if you fall into the relevant categories, contact us and we can clarify.

In addition, if you do fall into the above categories and you have a business rates account, then you will be entitled to receive a cash grant.
The amount will depend on your rateable value.
A rateable value of under £15,000, you will receive a grant of £10,000.
A rateable value of between £15,001 and £51,000, you will receive a grant of £25,000.
You do not need to do anything, your council will write to you if you are eligible.

If you have a business rates account but pay no rates as you receive Small Business Rates Relief (All other sectors)

You will receive a cash grant of £10,000.
You do not need to do anything, your council will write to you if you are eligible.
Dobry den, s manzelem vedeme malou bezpecnostni firmu. Pokud shanite praci v dobe CV19, mame volna mista v oblasti bezpecnosti (crowd management) v Londyne a okoli. Mrknete na volne pozice a zavolejte/napiste nam pokud mate vazny zajem o praci: https://www.bastionsec.co.uk/jobs
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