utorok, 11. január 2011
  2 Replies
  2.1K Visits
Mate nekdo zkusenosti s nejakym dental insurance? Uvazuju ze zkusim to od tesca (http://www.tescofinance.com/personal/finance/insurance/dentalins/index.jsp#) za £120 na rok pokryti vsech NHS poplatku to vypada docela jako zajimava nabidka. Nebo je v tom nejaky skryty hacek?
13 years ago
Je více než možné, že tam bude nějaké celkové omezení vyplacených náhrad za jeden rok. Prostuduj si fine print
13 years ago
What is included:
* Routine treatments - such as check ups, hygiene treatments and x-rays
* Unplanned treatments - such as fillings, root canal work and crowns (sometimes called remedial and restorative treatment)
* Mouth cancer cover up to £12,000 per year
* Worldwide dental accidents cover up to £10,000 per year
* Worldwide emergency dental cover up to £800 (choice of NHS or private dentist) per year
* Hospital cash benefit of £60 per night for up to 30 nights per person per year as an NHS patient in relation to a dental accident
* No-claims discount - you get 25% no claims discount when you join

What isn't included
* Treatment you had or knew you needed before you joined, or that was identified within the qualifying period of your policy
* Cancer treatment within the first 90 days of joining
* Implants, cosmetic treatment, tooth whitening, orthodontics or any treatment not deemed to be clinically necessary, unless as part of a course of NHS dental treatment
* Sporting injuries where a mouthguard or other recommended protection is not worn, unless treated on the NHS
* Dental accidents and emergencies within the first month of joining.
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