

  nedeľa, 10. október 2021
  1 Replies
  3.1K Visits
dobrý den chcem sa spytat ked v uk budem 9 rokov a chcem sa vratit naspat na sr a bude mi chybat 1 rok aby som poberala dôchodok, neviete ako sa to da doplatit?..aky je postup?..musi sa to urobit vopred alebo pozadu ked tu skoncim?..a ktora skupina to je prosim?..dakujem
3 years ago
[untary National Insurance contributions
If you want to fill in any gaps in your National Insurance record, you usually have to make the top-up payment within six years of missing the original payment. You do this by paying voluntary contributions.

There are some exceptions when you can buy years further back.

The cost for each ‘missing year’ will depend on your circumstances.]
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