streda, 23. apríl 2008
  15 Replies
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Ahoj, jsem 2 roky v UK. Dozvedela jsem se , ze bylo moji povinosti prihlasit se na home office, coz jsem neudelala, protoze jsem se tuto informaci dozvedela asi pred tydnem:( Chystam se vratit do CR, chtela bych prosim poradit, co ted, jestli mi zaplaceni dani a insureance number pomuze k vyrizeni potrebnych formularu pro pojistovnu a pracak nebo jestli je muj pobyt bez home office neplatny a zaplaceni dani a pojisteni v UK me k ziskani techto formularu nepomuze. moc dekuji
16 years ago

Home office registration nema vplyv na odvedene dane a NI. Tj. pri odchode dostanes potrebne formulare aj bez HO registration.

Ak tvoj odchod je iminentny tak sa uz neregistruj, pretoze samostatna registracia trva niekolko tyzdnov. Ale ked tu budes robit este niekolko mesiacov tak sa zaregistruj. Bez HO registracie robis prakticky na cierno a tvoj zamestnavatel nesie riziko velkych pokut keby mu prisla kontrola.

Helrik Chartered Accountants
16 years ago

Nemusis sa registrovat ak si odpracovala 2 roky, see below:

This page explains what the Worker Registration Scheme (WRS) is and who needs to apply.

If you are a national of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia or Slovenia and want to work for one month or more for a United Kingdom employer you must register under the WRS.

For full details on the requirements to register under the WRS and for information

Once you have been working legally in the United Kingdom for 12 months without a break you will have full rights of free movement and will no longer need to register on the WRS. You can then get a registration certificate confirming your right to live and work in the United Kingdom, although you are not obliged to do so. Details on how to apply for registration certificate can be found on the applying page.
16 years ago
Jo84 wrote:

Nemusis sa registrovat ak si odpracovala 2 roky, ...

To jsi ten text spatne pochopila!

Once you have been working legally in the United Kingdom for 12 months without a break

tim myslej 12 mesicu po registraci na Home Office.


16 years ago
ty si to zle pochopil:
Once you have been working legally in the United Kingdom for 12 months without a break you will have full rights of free movement and will no longer need to register on the WRS.
znamena ze pracujes viac nez 12 mesiacov a mas contract. Asi si prehliadol ten koniec - will no longer need on the WRS ....takze si sa nezaregistroval ale uz sa ani nemusis
16 years ago
No jak se to vezme:

Once you have been working legally in the United Kingdom for 12

pokud se nezaregistrujes tak nepracujes legalne :woohoo:

Podle mne se tato veta vztahuje predevsim na ty, kteri tu legalne pravovali jeste predtim, nez zavedly WRS a pro ty, kteri jsou zaregistrovani a splnily 12mesicni lhutu.

Ono totiz, kdyz se zaregistrujes na WRS a zmenis zamestnavatele treba po 3 mesicich tak musis na home office nahlasit tuto zmenu, po splneni 12 mesicu uz nemusis.


15 years ago
Jak mam rozumet tomuto odstavci na formulari pro Homeless office?

After 12 months work without interruption of more than 30 days in total, you will acquire full threaty rights and will be free from the requirement to register. You will be able to apply for EEA residence permit to confirm this. Evidence of 12 months uninterrupted employment includes the worker registration card and supporting registration certificates for each of the employers you have worked for, letters from emlouyers, and payslips.

Mel jsem nekolika minutovou diskuzi na agenture, ze po odmakanem roce od registrace, nemusim posilat ten potupny WRS s dopisem od agentury.
Oni tvrdi, ze nejdriv musim mit EEA residence permit abych to mel bez ohlasovaci povinnosti...
15 years ago
Pravdu mas ty a staci ti tech 12 mesicu prace od toho co jsi ziskal certifikat u WRS. EEA residence permit s tim nema co do cineni, jsme normalni plnopravni cleneve EU, jen jsou na nas uplatnovana nektera zvlastni opatreni.

V agenturach o tom vi uplny kulovy.
15 years ago
A existuje to nekde jasne napsane, tak aby ani Anglicani nepochybovali o smyslu textu, co bych jim tam mohl omlatit o hlavu?

Uz jsme to tam nekolikrat resili. Pul roku mi vola nejaky typek z ustredi agentury, ale ani ja jeho ani on me nepresvedcil. Tak me ted vyskrtli ze seznamu evidovanych, pry by riskovali pokutu.
15 years ago

Asi uprostred stranky:
Once you have completed 12 months work with no more than 30 days break, you will no longer need to register on the Worker Registration Scheme. If you wish, you can then obtain a registration certificate confirming your right to live and work in the United Kingdom, although you are not obliged to do so.
15 years ago
Tak jsem prinesl do agentury otevrenej ntb s tim co mi poslal osmera a oni se chytili odstavce nad tim o selfemploy. A zacali mi tvrdit, ze to plati pro selfemploy. Nevymluvil jsem jim to.
Ale blbce ze mne zadnej Anglan delat nebude.
15 years ago
Co ti na to poradit, ze souboj s blbci je nekdy predem ztraceny :-)
Doporuc jim ze by si meli zajit nekam na kurz anglickeho jazyka, protoze mu evidentne nerozumi.
15 years ago
Tak jsem napsal tomu tipovi na ustredi nasledujici mail:

Dear xxxxx,

I am write about finished my WHR registration.
I am in the UK since november 2006. My registration certificate has been issued xx.12.2006. Since it I am still working, the longest interruption between two jobs was one week only.

On this website you can see, that in my case I dont need fill WHR registration form since xx.12.2007.
Paragraph "Once you have completed ... " in about half of page.
You can see official Home office site for more information.
If you have any further queries, please dont hesitage to contact me.

Yours sincerely


Takv jsem jim cejch blbce predal a jsem zvedavej, co (jestli vubec) mi prijde. :blink:

osmerovi dekuju za info a podporu.
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