
Nuz v UK

  sobota, 06. február 2010
  14 Replies
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jelikoz vyrazim na tury a po horach, chci sebou tahat nuz. zaroven nechci mit problemy s policii a urady. Jaka je povolena maximalni velikost cepele, pripadne jsou i jina omezeni? diky
14 years ago
bohuzel honza je to tady tak debilni ze jakykoliv nuz se bere jako zbran a nezalezi na velikosti. Kdyz budou mit duvod te prohledat a najdou u tebe malej kapesni zaviraci nuz (klidne normalni velikosti 6-7cm), tak je to uplne stejne provineni jako kdyby jsi mel u sebe pistol.
Prislo mi to debilni, takze jsem se na to asi pred 2 roky ptal primo na policejni stanici (jsem zvyklej kapesni nuz sebou nosit neustale).
To same plati kdyz ma u sebe clovek peprovy sprej, paralyzer a jakekoliv dalsi prostredky osobni obrany, vsechno je to zbran a je to zakazane. Jedina obrana pomucka ktera je povolena je sprej s barvou kterou muzes na utocnika nastrikat, ale je to specialni nezavadna barva, ktera ho zpomali asi tak na 1/2 sekundy, a myslim ze ho spise jeste vice nasere :-)
14 years ago
U me nasli policajti nuz dvakrat a pokazde to proslo s domluvou, ted uz ho radsi nenosim a to byly zaviraci kleste od Victorinox (multitool), rekli mi ze by s tim v podstate problem nebyl ze problem je ze ten nuz ma pojistku takze maly zaviraci multi nuz by asi nemel byt problem a ja kdykoliv jsem mel co do cineni s mistni policii tak byli docela rozumny ... verim ze dokazou rozeznat rozdil mezi zaviracim nozem u pubertaka v kapuce v noci na narozi a zaviracim nozem u nekoho kdo kempuje (pokud teda nekempujes v Hyde Parku).
14 years ago
Kody77: naprosto s tebou souhlasim, ve vetsine pripadu by "meli" rozeznat rozdil mezi pubertakem a normalnim trampem, ALE je tam to "meli", kdyz se proste najde nejakej debil policajt, nebo se clovek vyskytne poblize nejakeho problemu, tak diky blbemu kapesnimu nozi clovek muze putovat do vezeni.

Jinak ja muj kapesni nuz stale nosim, ale mam ho v batohu, proste porad taky doufam v ten zdravej rozum, i kdyz jsem se uz kolikrat presvedcil ze zdravej rozum je v UK na vymreni.
14 years ago
Hi, noz sa v UK definuje ako utocna zbran, ale si s toho velku hlavu nerob, v horach alebo na ture predsa nie su policajti, aby ta skontrolovali a prehladali,takym vreckovym univerzalnym nozikom co sa pouziva na krajanie slaniny nepokazis nic.Take care.Angelika31.
14 years ago
Jaky je tedy trest kdyz u tebe najdou nuz a nebudou to brat "rozumne"? Je to podminka, nebo opravdu muzes jit sedet? Jaka je max. hranice?
14 years ago
Osmera: Ja osobne mam tady s policii lepsi zkusenosti nez v CR, rekl bych ze tady maji dost opravdovych problemu na reseni na to aby cloveka otravovali s kravinama, stejne jako na silnici ... na tricitce jede auto skoro 40 ... za nim policajti stejne rychle ... a za nima dalsi auta a nic se nedeje, samozrejme zalezi kde jedes, jak rychle a jakym zpusobem ... takze bych rekl "primerene".
Samozrejme muze clovek narazit na debila :o) ... no a kdyz se neco stane tak to mas holt smulu ... to je stejny jako kdyz se stane autonehoda ty jsi mel jedno pivo.
A pokud jde nekomu o sebeobranu tak je vyber ze spousty veci denni potreby ktere se daji sikovne pouzit a nejsou to zbrane, treba v aute bezne lidi vozi zamek na volant misto nejake tyce nebo palky.
14 years ago
Noz sa v UK povazuje za utocnu zbran, a aky je trest za drzanie noza u seba? To si kukni trestne pravo v UK aj na nete.Take care.Angelika31.
14 years ago
Hi, mam znameho jedneho anglickeho policajneho vysetrovatela, ktoremu som pomohla odhalit vagabundov co na ceste ukradli cudzincom cestovne pasy, vsetko som to nasnimala na videokameru a dala u nas policajtom, a ten mi povedal, ze noz nad 1.inch je uz povazovany za vrazebnu zbran a ked policajti najdu u niekoho noz nad 1.inch ,vec postupuju na sud.Mimochodom tu u nas na juhu UK su policajti velmi dobry, ale ked ide auto velkou rychlostou, uz aj za rohom ho odstavia.Mali sme dopravnu nehodu a jeden anglican nam nabural nase biele BMW, policajt bol velmi starostlivy a slusny.Mimochodom tu u nas dole na juhu UK nie je velka kriminalita, ale v okne mam cameru a strazim si auto, camera musi vsak snimat len auto a nic ine, lebo zakony UK su dost haklive.V aute mozte mat akurat tak lopatu na odhrnanie snehu spod pneumatik.Noz sa nesmie podla anglickych zakonov ani len nosit na sebeobranu, na to su policajti ,aby chranili. Take care.ANGELIKA31.
14 years ago
Takze kapesni zaviraci nuz muzes mit do 3" a nesmi mit pojistku.

Carrying Knives in Public
The CJA 1988 mainly relates to carrying knives in public places, Section 139 being the most important.

"It is an offence for any person, without lawful authority or good reason, to have with him in a public place, any article which has a blade or is sharply pointed except for a folding pocket-knife which has a cutting edge to its blade not exceeding 3 inches." [CJA 1988 section 139(1)]

The phrase "good reason" is intended to allow for "common sense" possession of knives, so that it is legal to carry a knife if there is a bona fide reason to do so. Examples of bona fide reasons which have been accepted include: a knife required for ones trade (e.g. a chefs knife), as part of a national costume (e.g. a sgian dubh), or for religious reasons (e.g. a Sikh Kirpan).

In this case, public place is meant as anywhere accessible to the public, so for example a private campsite, which members of the public must book to use, is a public place. Also, knives should only be carried to and from and used at the location where they are needed. For example, leaving a knife in a car for use when you go fishing would be illegal. It should be taken back into the house each time you use the car (other than to go fishing). [1]

The special exception which exists in the Criminal Justice Act 1988 (s139) for folding knives (pocket knives) is another "common sense" measure accepting that some small knives are carried for general utility however even a folding pocket knife of less than 3" (76mm) may still be considered an offensive weapon if carried or used for that purpose. It was a long held common belief that a folding knife must be non-locking for this provision to apply.

A Crown Court case (Harris v DPP), ruled (case law). A lock knife for all legal purposes, is the same as a fixed blade knife. A folding pocket knife must be readily foldable at all times. If it has a mechanism that prevents folding, it's a lock knife (or for legal purposes, a fixed blade) The Court of Appeal (REGINA - v - DESMOND GARCIA DEEGAN 1998) upheld the Harris ruling stating that "folding was held to mean non-locking". No leave to appeal was granted.

Age Restriction
British law also covers age restriction on the sale of knives in the Criminal Justice Act 1998:

"It is an offence for any person to sell to a person under the age of 18 any knife, knife blade, razor blade, axe or any other article which has a blade or is sharply pointed and which is made or adapted for causing injury to the person." [CJA 1988 section 141A]

British courts have in the past taken the marketing of a particular brand of knife into account when considering whether an otherwise legal folding knife was carried as an offensive weapon. A knife which is marketed as "tactical", "military", "special ops", etc could therefore carry an extra liability. The Knives Act 1997 now restricts the marketing of knives as offensive weapons and thus it is much more unlikely that such marketing could be used as evidence against a defendant.

In practice, this law makes it highly unlikely that most shops would sell a knife to someone younger than 18.

Illegal Knives
In the UK, the main knife legislation is found in the Criminal Justice Act (CJA) 1988 however certain types of knife are banned under the Restriction of Offensive Weapons Act (ROWA) 1959, the relevant section of the latter being Section 1.

"It is an offence for a person to manufacture, sell, hire or offer for sale or hire or expose or have in his possession for the purpose of sale or hire, or lend or give to any person:

A) any knife which has a blade which opens automatically by hand pressure applied to a button, spring or other device in or attached to the handle of the knife, sometimes know as a "flick knife" or "flick gun"; or
B) any knife which has a blade which is released from the handle or sheath thereof by the force of gravity or the application of centrifugal force and which, when released, is locked in place by means of a button, spring, lever, or other device, sometimes known as a "gravity knife". "
[ROWA 1959 S 1(1)]

Section 1(2) also makes it illegal to import knives of this type, as a result it is (almost) impossible to obtain possession of such a knife without either committing or abetting an offence. Note that the above legislation does not refer to possession of such knives other than possession for the purpose of sale or hire, it is therefore not illegal per se to merely possess such a knife.

This law is aimed primarily at knives designed with features specific to fighting/assault rather than use as a tool.

Burden of Proof
Although English law insists that it is the responsibility of the prosecution to provide evidence proving a crime has been committed an individual must provide evidence to prove that they had a bona fide reason for carrying a knife (if this is the case). Whilst this may appear to be a reversal of the usual burden of proof, technically the prosecution has already proven the case (prima facie) by establishing that a knife was being carried in a public place.

External Links
14 years ago
zrovna jsem to sem chtel hodit:). nejde vsak o pojistku, nybrz nesmis mit vyhazovaci nebo vystrelovaci nuz.
14 years ago
kody77 diky ze jsi si dal praci to najit.
Takze bych to shrnul.
1. jakykoliv nuz delsi nez 3inch je zakazan. (vyjimky jsou kuchari, nejake nabozenske veci a podobne)
2. jakykoliv nuz ktery se neda zavrit jednoduse, nebo se neda zavrit vubec je zakazany (proste nesmi tam byt zadna pojistka ktera brani snadnemu zavreni)
3. malej zaviraci nuz clovek muze mit kdyz k tomu ma dobry duvod, jako treba ze jde na ryby.

Takze bych myslel ze na stanovani v divocine by se to dalo aplikovat take, ovsem na jakekoliv noseni zaviraciho noze treba ve meste, kdyz clovek nema konkretni dobry duvod proc ho u sebe ma.
14 years ago
tos to shrnul blbe. jak bys treba nesl z obchodu kuchynsky nuz nebo normalni pracovni zasunovaci lamaci nuz?
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