štvrtok, 29. júl 2010
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Ahoj vsichni, chtel bych se zeptat jakym zpusobem a jestli vubec nejak funguje prevod uk duchodu domu do Cech? Kolik let je potreba v UK odpracovat, abych mohl v CR dostavat duchod, ktery tady odevzdaval ve forme N.I.? A nakonec zamestnavatel mi nabidnul penzijni fond kam muzu prispivat a on dorovna tu stejnou sumu. Ma to smysl v tom ze po cca 5 letech bych se natrvalo vratil do CR a penize jednou dostal po odchodu do duchodu v CR? Diky za odpoved Martin
13 years ago
Neviem ake je to pripoistenie, ale určite ma zmysel. Ja to mam ako benefit od firmy. Záleží na tebe ,ako dlho tu pobudneš. Nakoniec ,lepšie je mať niečo ako ........
13 years ago
Takze to rozdelime na dve casti
1. statni duchod, ktery je vazany na odvody do NI
na plny statni duchod musis mit odpracovano 30 let v okamziku jeho nastoupeni (v soucasne dobe 65 let). Kdyz mas odpracovano mensi cast tak dostavas procentualni castku z plneho duchodu, ale musis mit odpracovano minimalne 25%, coz je 7.5 roku.
V soucasne dobe se plati plny duchod £97.65 tydne, takze kdyz predpokladam odpracovani tech minimalnich 7.5 let tak by jsi dostavala duchod £24.41 tydne (coz je almuzna), navic se to v budoucnu urcite zmeni.

1b) vyhodou je ze vsechny roky odpracovane tady v UK se ti pocitaji do odpracovanych let v CR, takze kdyz tady odpracujes 10 let a v cechach nasledne 30, tak se ti do duchodu bude pocitat 40 odpracovanych let (nebude se ovsem pocitat jaky jsi mela prijem tady v UK, vypocet duchodu v cechach je nejvice zavyslej na poslednich par letech pred odchodem do duchodu)

2. soukrome pripojisteni:
protoze vetsinou zamestnavatele prispivaji celkem dobryma castkama a navic o castku kterou odvedes na toto soukrome pojisteni si muzes snizit danovy zaklad, tak je to jasne vyhodna volba.
Je tady i moznost si eventuelne toto pojisteni prevezt do nejakeho jineho duchodoveho fondu v cechach, ale na to neni narok, je to jen moznost u nekterych poskytovatelu (musela by jsi se konkretne informovat).
I na tento sokromy duchod mas ovsem narok az teprve po dovrseni duchodoveho veku (v soucasnosti 65 let, ale v dobe kdy my pujdeme do duchodu bych pocital tak s vekem 80 :-)
13 years ago
Ad2 od Osmery:
Pokud je mi znamo, muzes si svoje penize z duchodoveho pripojisteni v CR vybrat kdykoli, ne rozdil od UK, jen prijdes o statni prispevek a uroky z nej.

Jinymi slovy:
penize ze sveho duchodoveho sporeni v UK muses vybrat jakmile pujdes zpet do CR za jedne podminky:
-pokud duchodovy fond na ktery ti zamestnavatel v UK prispiva umoznuje prevod penez do PF do ciziny (napr. muj ma seznam "povolenych" penzijnich fondu v zemich EU obsahuje m.j. i Penzijni fond CS)
-no a po prevodu do penzijniho fondu v CR si to uz muzes vybrat a o nic neprijdes

Kolega Cech co se mnou pracoval a je uz zpatky v CR takto uz ty duchodove uspory premenil doma v cash (a zamaznul jimi cast hypo coz je mnohem lepsi nez cekat do 60 na nejake drobne)
13 years ago
letecmig: zajimava informace, je jiste ze ten cesky duchodovy fond si z toho ty "statni prispevky a uroky" ktere prisli z UK nejak nesebere (protoze technicky stat (UK) na to jakoby prispiva slevou na dani.

To by byla dobra moznost jak to udelat, protoze opravdu cekat do stari aby clovek zjistil ze jeho nasporene penize nemaji zadnou hodnotu se mi nechce.

Mas o tom nejake odkazy (jak to chodi v CR) a u jake instituce mas svuj duchodovy ucet tady v UK ?
13 years ago
Muj penzijni fond je omezen na zamestnance, takze je asi jmeno nepodstatne.
V CR mam prave ten PFCS.

V pripade ukonceni zamestnani si zamestnanec muze z firemniho fondu penize prevest jinam.
Fond ma seznam "povolenych" penzijnich fondu v UK a v zahranici ktere splnuji nejaka kriteria aby byly "penzijni" ci co.
Jak jsem psal v CR je na seznamu PFCS.
Pokud ti na cesky penzijni fond penize prijdou, jsou to "tvoje penize" a stat ti na ne v pripade predcasneho vyberu nesahne.

Musis se informovat u sveho fondu, zda povoluje transfer nasporenych penez do jineho penzijniho fondu v cizine. Pokud ano, bude mit taky ten seznam "povolenych fondu" a tam uvidis.

Nevim co myslis tim dotazem "jak to chodi v CR", ale staci se podivat na stranky PFCS: http://www.pfcs.cz/

Samozrejme "sporeni na duchod" v nejakem fondu ktery ti zacne poustet penize nekdy az ti bud 70 let je nesmysl.
13 years ago
Diky, to mi staci na to abych si uz dohledal co chci.
13 years ago
Zdravim vas,

je to zajimave tema o kterem bych se chtel neco dozvedet.Za info predem diky. Cekat na duchod je nejspis zbytecne treba i po odpracovani 8 let v UK chapu-li to dobre.Neni to nejspis velka castka. Tak budu rad kdyz mi nekdo napise jak je to s tim soukromym pripojistenim,jake vyhody z toho plynou pro me,kde se mam v UK obratit na jakou instituci-jak se to jmenuje,zkratka jaky zvolit postup pri vyrizovani tak abych odvedene penize do tax lepe vyuzil.Stale tam pracuji tak me zajima kazda nova informace. Mejte se a diky za info
13 years ago
Take se zajimam o toto tema. Nevite nekdo zda je mozne mit penzijni pojisteni jak v CR tak v UK? Nemam totiz jeste predstavu v jake zemi budu v dlouhodobem horizontu zit a tak bych radeji v CR svoje penzijni pojisteni nechtela rusit.
13 years ago
Tak budu rad kdyz mi nekdo napise jak je to s tim soukromym pripojistenim,jake vyhody z toho plynou pro me,kde se mam v UK obratit na jakou instituci-jak se to jmenuje,zkratka jaky zvolit postup pri vyrizovani tak abych odvedene penize do tax lepe vyuzil

Zajdi si do jakekoli banky, tam Ti poradi.

Jinak je ale podle me blbost si davat penize do nejakych fondu. Samo o sobe te nejake drobne nezabezpeci na stari.

Podle me jedina rozumna cesta je koupit dum nebo alespon byt a hypoteku, a kdyz bude po 30 letech splaceny, bude to tvuj duchod.
Prodas to, pujdes do najmu a zbyde ti na mesicni rentu do konce zivota.
Samozrejme aby se to dalo realizovat, musis mit nejakych 20% ceny nemovitosti nasporene.

Nejake penizky ve fondu se ti mohou znedhodnotit, zdanit, kdovi co. Resit sporeni v penezich v horizontu 30 let podle me nema cenu, a spocti si kolik by jsi musel odkladat aby te to uzivilo treba 20 let.

Take se zajimam o toto tema. Nevite nekdo zda je mozne mit penzijni pojisteni jak v CR tak v UK?

13 years ago
Diky za odpovedi, ptal jsem se zamestnavatele a ten potvrdil, ze prevod do ciziny mozny je. Ted uz jen zjistit, ktery cesky PF je na povolenem seznamu. A jste si jisti, ze pro prijezdu co CR si muzete penize vybrat hned? Tady je conditions, co mi poslali...

Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme

For a transfer from a registered pension scheme to an overseas scheme which is not a registered pension scheme to be a recognised transfer, the receiving scheme must be a "qualifying recognised overseas pension scheme" (QROPS).

Note: the term "recognised overseas scheme transfer" describes a transfer from a recognised overseas pension scheme to a registered pension scheme. A transfer from a registered pension scheme to a QROPS, on the other hand, is a type of recognised transfer having no tax consequences (i.e. like a transfer between registered pension schemes).

A pension scheme is classed as a QROPS if it satisfies conditions A, B and C below.

A. it must be an overseas pension scheme, i.e. a scheme established outside the United Kingdom which is not a registered pension scheme and which satisfies one of the following descriptions:
a) a scheme regulated as a pension scheme in the country in which it is established, which satisfies condition (i) below;
b) a scheme established in an EEA state where there is no pensions regulatory body for that type of scheme, which satisfies conditions (i), (ii) and (iii) below;
c) a scheme established by an international organisation to provide benefits in respect of past service of its employees, which satisfies conditions (ii) and (iii) below.

Conditions, as referred to above:
i) the scheme must be "recognised for tax purposes" in the country or territory in which it is established (see below);
ii) at least 70% of the funds transferred must be designated to provide an income for life;
iii) the benefits payable under the scheme must not be payable earlier than would be permitted under a UK-registered pension scheme;

To be "recognised for tax purposes", a scheme must satisfy the following conditions:
iv) membership of the scheme must be open to persons resident in the country or territory in which it is established;
v) in the country or territory in which the scheme is established, tax relief must be available in respect of contributions or benefits, but not both;
vi) the scheme must be either
- approved or recognised by, or registered with, the relevant taxation authorities as a pension scheme in the country or territory where it is established, or
- if there is no system in that country or territory for approving, recognising or registering pension schemes, the scheme must be resident there and must satisfy conditions (ii) and (iii) above.

B. Second, it must meet the additional conditions for being a recognised overseas pension scheme, ie it must be established in
a) a member state of the EEA (= the EU member states plus Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland), or
b) a country or territory with which the UK has a Double Taxation Agreement that contains exchange of information and non-discrimination provisions (as listed in RPSM 141.01.046), or
c) any other country or territory if, at the time of the recognised transfer, conditions (ii), (iii) and (iv) above are all satisfied.

C. Third, to be a qualifying recognised overseas pension scheme the scheme must also meet certain other conditions under FA 2004 s.169, ie the scheme manager of that scheme must
a) have notified HMRC that the scheme is a recognised overseas pension scheme, and provide evidence of that if required;
b) have informed HMRC of the name of the country in which the scheme is established (if this is not an EEA member state or a country with which the UK has a Double Taxation Agreement which includes exchange of information and non-discrimination provisions (see above), the scheme manager must also provide evidence that the scheme fulfils the requirements set out at c) in the list of requirements above to be a recognised overseas pension scheme);
c) have provided any other evidence required by HMRC;
d) have undertaken to notify HMRC if the scheme ceases to be a recognised overseas pension scheme; and
e) have undertaken to provide HMRC with certain information on making payments in respect of certain members (e.g. details of any lump sum payment or commencement of pension to a UK resident or recently resident* member for whom the scheme has received a transfer deriving from UK tax-relieved contributions).

* "Recently resident" in the UK means that the member had been UK resident in the tax year in which the payment was made (or treated as made) or in any of the preceding 5 tax years.

Also, the scheme must not have been excluded by HMRC from being a QROPS (following a significant failure to comply with the above information requirements).

The scheme administrator of a registered pension scheme can ask HMRC APSS to confirm that the receiving scheme has notified HMRC that it is a QROPS and has met the conditions in C above.
13 years ago
A jste si jisti, ze pro prijezdu co CR si muzete penize vybrat hned?

Nemuzes si je vybrat "hned".
Na vybrani penez z PF v CR je urcita vypovedni lhuta- lisi se fond od fondu.
V PF CR je tusim 1 mesic.

Ale pokud si budes zakladat PF v CR jen kratce pred tim nez budes chtit prevest $$$ z PF v UK, ujisti se radeji zda u CZ fondu neni nejaka minimalni doba sporeni, napr. rok nebo dva.
12 years ago
Zjistil jsem ze prevod UK penzijniho pripojisteni je do CR mozny do 4 fondu:
-PF ceske sporitelny
-PF komercni banky

Prijdete o statni podporu v CR a cesky penzijni fond musi fungovat treba 2 roky (lisi se)
Byl jsem ale varovan, ze se penize meni v dost spatnem kurzu, mate s tim nekdo zkusenosti?
Nebylo by treba vyhodne penize ponechat ve fondu a vybrat je az v duchodu? :)

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