
My online dating experience- part 2

Well it's been a few weeks since my last blog, due to the fact I haven't been dating that much. You know the story- health issues, work issues etc.

I'm firmly back in the game now and ready to start dating again! Well, online dating again! And you can share my ups and downs with me J .


So, first things first- in the next few blogs I'm going to break down online dating guys' behaviour as it's just hilarious hearing about other girls’ experience as well as my own.

Ok, let’s see. I’ll talk about the site Plenty of Fish as most of us are on it. From my own experience, the guys fall into following categories:

The Mailers, the Texters and the Meeters.

In the next blog I will break them all down. :)
My online dating experience- part 3
My online dating experience- part 1

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