
My online dating experience- part 3

From my own experience, the guys fall into following categories:

The Mailers, the Texters and the Meeters.

1. The ones that write to you only. The ‘Mailers’ as I call them.

They show an initial interest with a few e-mails, than it “fades out” and they stop the contact. If you write “Hey, it’s been ages! What’s new?”, they blame you for not keeping in touch. A few days later, they do not contact you again.


These guys are either:

a) involved with someone else and waste everyone else’s time for the extra thrill, or;

b) their profile is fake, or

c) they looked at your profile description properly for the first time (before that they looked at your pics only, and pretty much way down south from your face J ) and found a fault.

I have had many time wasters from the point A. Even if you really fancy the guy, if he doesn’t respond then he’s not interested. If he is, he will come back at the later stage (perhaps when his current fling fizzles out).

I have got a story about the possibility A. I have met a guy, really cute and exactly my type. We even exchanged numbers and texted over Christmas. When I asked about a meeting in person, he kept making excuses about travelling to Scotland etc. Always some different story. Until one day, I received following text message with a picture attached:

“Hi Ivana, I’m really sorry but I was lying about my profile picture. This is the real me. I have a friend who advised me to meet someone using his pictures and then explain later on. (??!! Who on earth would understand this?)

The picture enclosed was of a middle age, balding man. I was very upset and told him to stop deceiving people. Plus, no normal girl would “understand when he explains later on”!

There are some exceptions to the the Mailers as well. There was one guy I met on the site that went from the Mailer to the Meeter in only 3 months J . I have met him back in November. As we lived in the same area, I was keen to meet, even if it meant I make a new friend as I didn’t know many people in this area. But he kept postponing and cancelling till I started ignoring him. He got back in touch last week and we had a date yesterday. So it can go from the Mailer to the Meeter occasionally- just do not push him, let him do this on his own.

The date with a guy who went from the Mailer to the Meeter:

We met at the terrible venue. However, I could not blame him for this as it was my idea. While his pictures on the site were great, in reality he was very scary looking as he walked into the pub 15 minutes late. Admittedly, I did not paint the nicest picture either, perched on the bar stool talking to the Czech barman in torn trousers. What I mean by scary is that his face was deathly white and his ears extremely small. That meant his eyes looked as if they were popping out. It was definitely him on the pictures, except that his pictures were made in the professional studio with lots of air brushing. I’m not a vain person, but this combination of see-through skin and small ears was not great. We must have looked an interesting pair- me with my thick summer bronzer on for a 'fresh look' whilst him so pale. As we sat down, it was obvious there was no spark at all- within 1 hour we have exhausted every possible topic under the sun, including the Japan disaster.I also had to repeat every sentence twice- I know it was a loud pub but I couldn't help blaming his small ears. After just 1 hour I made my excuses and left, and could be found at Asda at 11 pm that night, happily shopping J .{jomcomment}
My online dating experience- part 4
My online dating experience- part 2

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