
Red Necklace

Red Necklace
Suzie grabbed her purse and rummaged around in it. Damn, the receipt was not there.  She already looked in every single drawer in the house, and nothing. What on earth was she supposed to do now? ‘Have you found it?’ Dave, her husband, asked nervously. ‘No.’ Suzie sat down on the bed. ‘Well go ...
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  18345 Hits
18345 Hits

Why being in your thirties is Absolutely Fabulous!

I’m a woman in my thirties. There, I said it. I’m in my mid-thirties, in fact. Does it scare me? No, I’m loving every second of it! And what’s not to love? Here are my top seven reasons why we should celebrate being in your thirties: 1. We know how to say ‘no’. We’ve all been there. A friend asks us...
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  231245 Hits
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Clanky tohoto typu kdyz je ctu ve me vyvolavaji prodstavu sebevraha po neuspesnem pokusu, kteremu jeho psychiatr naridil v ramci t... Číst více
17. 1. 2013 17:08
Host — Ivan
Ja si, naopak, myslím, že je to rozumný text, z mám podobné názory (aj vek), aj keď som teda chlap.
28. 1. 2013 19:49
Host — Ivan
Je to podľa mňa rozumne napísané, vravím to, aj keď som chlap.
13. 2. 2013 10:00
231245 Hits

Have you ever dated a generous partner?

Have you ever dated a generous partner?
Have you ever dated a generous partner? I don’t know whether I’d call myself lucky or unlucky having experienced this type of a man at the ripe age of 32. When I first discovered he would me shower me with gifts every opportunity, an unpleasant shock was the emotion I was feeling. Perhaps it was the...
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  28624 Hits
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Bianka N
Interesting,have never meet man like that,would be probably interesting experience.I met a quite generous man ,but not like u desc... Číst více
8. 10. 2012 15:17
Bianka N
Interesting,have never meet man like that,would be probably interesting experience.I met a quite generous man ,but not like u desc... Číst více
8. 10. 2012 15:18
I'm glad you found it interesting well, we broke up as he had a different side to him as well...but as I said, I think all women ... Číst více
8. 10. 2012 15:31
28624 Hits

Long or Short Hair After We Turn 30?

Long or Short Hair After We Turn 30?
Hello world!   It’s Monday today and a new week is starting.  Yesterday we had a very interesting conversation at work in Camden with my colleagues. What length should your hair be after reaching 30? This question crossed my mind when I was with Adka in Brent Cross last week for coffee. She’s 25, bu...
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  51274 Hits
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Very nice reading...I agree with your points..and it seems totally silly to me, to cut my hair only because I will turn 30?!!!:-))... Číst více
25. 9. 2012 16:38
Thank you very appreciated if you like, visit my website for free relationship videos at or follow ... Číst více
25. 9. 2012 17:32
That's the worst thing that women make after they turn 30 or 40+. Short hair + dyed, Jesus. Good thing not every woman thinks tha... Číst více
29. 9. 2012 14:51
51274 Hits

My Father

My Father
If someone told me my life would change so dramatically in one week, I would not believe him. And yet here I am, one week after a death of my father, with the disbelief written all over my face and my life. It was a truly sad Monday afternoon when my mother called me to come home. ‘It’s time to come...
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  33144 Hits
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Host — t
im really sorry about your father
24. 9. 2012 7:13
33144 Hits
1 Comment

My awful hip treatment!

Hello everyone! So what's been happening in your world? Here's what's happening in mine: I’ve been pretty much disabled since last Thursday. I went for a ’consultation’ about my hip to Pinner. When I got there, the doctor nearly choked on his coffee- he expected an older lady to walk in, judging by ...
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  7304 Hits
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Ahoj, kloubouk dolu, zadna sranda, doufam, ze to bude vsechno v poradku a brzo budes zase tancovat! Drzim place Julie... Číst více
8. 11. 2011 17:24
Dakujem Julka mozes ma najst na blogu 'single mum will dance' ak mas zaujem ... Číst více
8. 11. 2011 17:32
7304 Hits

Do you wash your suitcase before holiday?

So, the preparations for tomorrow’s holiday began. By that I mean washing and scrubbing the suitcases. Well, you can’t pop them in the washing machine so what else are we meant to do? I do wish I wasn’t the only one in my quest to travel with a gleaming suitcase. But it seems that no one else feels ...
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  7066 Hits
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Tak to je trosku postizeni ne ? :-) Jednou za nekolik let vyperu batoh, kufr vicemne jen oprasim, nebo eventuelne pretru nejakym ... Číst více
27. 10. 2011 9:10
7066 Hits
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Is too much cleaning good for your health?

Well, today is Wednesday and a truly cold day- a first sign that winter is on its way. Danny stayed at home both yesterday and today- he has a cold. Over the years, he has never been seriously ill, thank god. No raging temperatures like I used to have as a child. I can still recall my mother and gra...
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  5150 Hits
5150 Hits

Long or Short hair after we turn 30?

Good morning world! It’s Monday today and a new week is starting. Yesterday we had a very interesting conversation at work in Camden with my colleagues. What length should your hair be after reaching 30? This question crossed my mind when I was with Monika in Brent Cross last week for coffee. S...
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  6619 Hits
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Ahoj Ivanka hmm mozno tomu velmi nerozumiem ale ja si myslim ze to zavisi od tvaru hlav a nie od veku ale kratke a strapate su sup... Číst více
9. 10. 2011 7:40
Host — Kat
Doceala fajny zamysleni :-)Ja to ostrihla na kratky mikadko chvili pred 30 a den D jsem proplula s uzasnym pocitem,ze na 30 nevypa... Číst více
9. 10. 2011 10:39
Dakujem za komentare- som rada, ze aj muzi to citaju myslela som ze len kocky sem zabludia! Moj cely blog je 'Single mum will dan... Číst více
10. 10. 2011 6:46
6619 Hits

Love is very important!

Once upon a time, there was an island where all the human feelings and emotions lived. There was Good Mood, Wealth, Sadness, Happiness, Pride and Love. One day, they were told that the island was going to sink. Therefore they all started to prepare their ships to sail away to another island. Only Love waited until the last minute.

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  4008 Hits
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"She saw that an old man was sitting in it. [...] When they got to safety, an old man disappeared. Love realised that she did not ... Číst více
20. 4. 2011 22:55
One!! Just Tome! I'm talking about one man
21. 4. 2011 7:54
time I mean
21. 4. 2011 7:54
4008 Hits