
Love is very important!

Once upon a time, there was an island where all the human feelings and emotions lived. There was Good Mood, Wealth, Sadness, Happiness, Pride and Love. One day, they were told that the island was going to sink. Therefore they all started to prepare their ships to sail away to another island. Only Love waited until the last minute.


When the island started to sink, Love realised she desperately needed help. She asked Pride who was sailing by on the beautiful ship: “Pride, can you please take me with you? I need help!” Pride replied: “I can’t take you, Love. My ship is so perfect, you might spoil it.” So Love asked Wealth: “Wealth, please help me!” Wealth replied: “I wish I could, but you can see that my ship is full of precious gold and silver. There is no space here for Love.” Still fighting to survive, Love saw Sadness sailing by on the small, dark ship. She desperately asked for help once again. Sadness replied: “Love, I can not help you. I’m so sad, I need to be alone.” The island started to sink further. At the last minute, the voice boomed: “Come, Love, quick! I will take you!” Love gratefully got on the boat offered to her. She saw that an old man was sitting in it. She was so happy to be rescued! When they got to safety, an old man disappeared. Love realised that she did not ask an old man’s name and that she could not thank him. She turned to Wisdom and asked: “Wisdom, who was that old man that helped me?” “That was Time”, replied Wisdom. “Only Time knows how important Love is in people’s lives.”

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