
My online dating experience- part 4

2. The second category in online dating are the guys that write to you and ask for your number. The ‘Texters’ as I call them.

The guys in this category are the worst kind as they are in-between the Mailers and the Meeters. It goes like this: they ask for your number. Then you text; usually it’s an attack of messages in the first couple of days. Then the quiet descends upon your phone. They might go as far as to arrange a date, but they will cancel at the last minute.


I have a few funny stories about the Texters. Here is what happened to my friend:

She exchanged numbers with a guy. He was very keen to have a proper conversation so he set off firing number of texts to arrange it- this was all within a space of 2 days:

“Hi, I’m just babysitting my nephew so would love to call you in half an hour. Is that ok?”

She replied yes. Half an hour later, another message:

“I’m just cooking dinner and need to eat before I call you. Be ready in 15 minutes.”

An hour later she was still waiting. Finally a late text message:

“Sorry didn’t get around calling you, met my mates for a drink. Speak tomorrow?”

Needless to say, she did not reply to that message.

The next morning, another message:

“Speak tonight?”

This went on for 2 days. We were both hysterical with laughter reading his messages. He eventually did manage to call after he ate/ babysat/ took the train/ been to the toilet (he kept updating her with text messages about why he couldn't call). Men!

I have also got a fun story to tell about the Texter. We exchanged numbers before Christmas, as he seemed really nice and very keen to meet. From the beginning, he was very secretive about his job. He called it “top secret”. I’ve had my suspicions about him being a porn star, which he denied. Once he had my number, he “confessed” that he was a secret agent for FBI and he was working on the “top government case”. By now I knew I was dealing with either a lunatic or someone living in a make-believe world. If he really was an agent for FBI, even his family couldn’t know what his job was! And here I was, a complete stranger with all the details from his “case”.

His text messages kept me entertained for about 3 weeks. He was always “watching the baddies”, or was “just about to catch a criminal”, giving me details and updates every 10 minutes. When I asked how he had the time to text constantly with such demanding “baddies watching”, he said he spent most of his time in the car with binoculars. Needless to say, we never met!

So, back to the Texters. Hardly ever do they progress to an actual date. Like last week, when I met a semi-pro footballer on the site, cute and Turkish. We exchanged numbers, arranged a date and of course, he cancelled. He was “meeting his football agent” instead- at 9 pm on Friday night!

My advice to avoid the Texters? There’s not much you can do to predict the guys’ behaviour, but I now ask outright what they want my number for. To meet me or to text?

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My online dating experience- part 3

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