buy levamisole hcl powder online safely,factory&manufacturer

99% purity levamisole hcl/levamisole hydrochloride powder bulk stock for sale.
Please don't worry about customs issues,100% security clearance! We guarantee that the package will be delivered to your hand safely within 7-15 days.

99% purity levamisole hcl/levamisole hydrochloride powder bulk stock for sale.
Please don't worry about customs issues,100% security clearance! We guarantee that the package will be delivered to your hand safely within 7-15 days.

Whatsapp/Signal/Telegram:+86 18086633238

1.7-15 days to sign
2.No customs clearance,no tax, safe delivery.
3.Overseas warehouse delivery, support customer pick-up.
*MOQ 1-25kg
*Payment method: Bank transfer, USDT, Bitcoin
*Packaging: Discreet package to keep customer's privicy.

For more information, please feel free to contact me:
Whatsapp/Signal/Telegram:+86 18086633238
23 October 2023
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