Friday, 07 August 2009
  2 Replies
  855 Visits
Ahoj lidičky!!!Mohl by mi prosím někdo poradit, jak napsat výpověď ze zaměstnání- myslím tím anglické znění.Moc Vám všem děkuji!!!
14 years ago
hod to do a vyjede ti to nekolik verzi;) jak keyword pouzij treba notice nebo letter of resignation.
14 years ago
co treba takhle:
Today?s Date

Your address

Address of the company
you are resigning from

Dear Your Manager,

I am writing in order to inform you of my resignation from current position title. My last day of work will be effective resignation date. I signed an employment contract with New Company.

I would like to express my appreciation for your excellent leadership and counsel during the duration of stay at Company Name. I have learned a lot about skills you have learned. These skills will be of great value to me in my career.

I have been fortunate to be employed by Name of Company, I have learned that putting the customer first is of vital importance in today's competitive environment. Please acknowledge this letter of resignation and I will do my utmost to finish the outstanding projects and for a smooth hand over.


Your Name
Your position
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